Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Paint the engine bay and bedline the wheel wells.

As I've been going through this project I've been getting more and more particular.  I always like to do things right, but after a project takes as long as this one has, I want everything I've touched thus far to be as good as I can get it.  I pulled the entire front end apart as far as it would go.

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Sent the front cross member and tension rod bracket out for powder coat, went with a gloss jdm charcoal

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Wrapped it up in its own cocoon

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I did two coats of a 2k high build primer, if I were to do it again, I would have done 3 or 4, I expected the paint to be thicker and hide better, but all and all it looks pretty decent for an engine bay.

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I used a 2k semi gloss black urethane paint for my paint for good durability.

1 comment:

  1. As I've been going through this project I've been getting more and more particular. I always like to do things right, but after a project takes as ... ls1engine.blogspot.com
